Azure AD security groups can be used to manage member and computer access to shared resources for a group of users. A security group can have users, devices, groups and SPNs as its members. In this post, I’ll go over steps on how to create a Azure AD security group, add users to one group and also bulk import users to one group and multiple groups.
$Group = Read-Host "Enter name of Azure AD group"
$User = Read-Host "Enter username of user to be added"
$Owner = Read-Host "Enter username of group owner"
$GroupObj = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString $Group
$UserObj = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $User
$OwnerObj = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $Owner
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $GroupObj.ObjectId -RefObjectId $UserObj.ObjectId
Add-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId $GroupObj.ObjectId -RefObjectId $OwnerObj.ObjectId
To display members of a security group:
$Group = Read-Host "Enter name of Azure AD group to display members"
$GroupObj = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString $Group
Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $GroupObj.ObjectId
To display owners of a security group:
$Group = Read-Host "Enter name of Azure AD group to display owner(s)"
$GroupObj = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString $Group
Get-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId $GroupObj.ObjectId
To bulk add multiple users to a specific group:
Note: csv file has UserPrincipalName as column header
$Group = Read-Host "Enter name of Azure AD group to add users"
$GroupObj = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString $Group
$Members = Import-csv "C:\tmp\GroupMembers.csv"
Foreach($Member in $Members) {
$User = $Member.UserPrincipalName
Write-Progress -Activity "Adding user.." -Status $User
Try {
$UserObj = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $User
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $GroupObj.ObjectId -RefObjectId $UserObj.ObjectId
catch {
Write-Host "Error occured while adding $User" -ForegroundColor Red
To bulk add multiple users to multiple groups. This below script checks to see if the user is already part of the Azure AD group and returns an error.
Note: csv file has UserPrincipalName,Group as column headers
$list = Import-csv "C:\tmp\UsersGroups.csv"
Foreach($entry in $list) {
$User = $entry.UserPrincipalName
$Group = $entry.Group
$UserObj = Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $User
$GroupObj = Get-AzureADGroup -SearchString $Group
$GroupMembers = (Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $GroupObj.ObjectId).UserPrincipalName
If ($User -notin $GroupMembers) {
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $GroupObj.ObjectId -RefObjectId $UserObj.ObjectId
Write-Host "$User added to $Group" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "$User already in $Group" -ForegroundColor Red
Hope this was helpful for you in exploring Azure AD security groups.
With Azure AD B2B collaboration, we can invite guest users into our tenant to allow them to access M365 apps and other Azure AD SSO integrated apps. There are multiple ways to invite external users into our Azure AD tenant. In this post, I’ll go through what I worked on recently to invite a bunch of external users in to one of the tenants I manage.
$GuestName = Read-Host "Enter name of user being invited"
$GuestEmail = Read-Host "Enter email address of user being invited"
New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserDisplayName $GuestName -InvitedUserEmailAddress $GuestEmail -SendInvitationMessage $True -InviteRedirectUrl ""
To bulk invite users from a csv file, this below script will work. This script checks to make sure if the user is already invited and also includes a custom message you can include in the invite.
How the csv file looks like,
$GuestUsers = Import-csv "C:\tmp\InviteGuestUsers\GuestUsers.csv"
$invitationBody = @"
Please accept this invitation to join our organization.
If you have any questions, please contact our helpdesk at
$invitemessage = @{customizedmessagebody = $invitationBody}
ForEach($GuestUser in $GuestUsers) {
$GuestUserEmail = $GuestUser.GuestEmail
$GuestUserName = $GuestUser.GuestName
if ((Get-AzureADUser -SearchString $GuestUserEmail).Length -le 0) {
$Invite = New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserDisplayName $GuestUserName -InvitedUserEmailAddress $GuestUserEmail -SendInvitationMessage $True -InvitedUserMessageInfo $invitemessage -InviteRedirectUrl ""
Write-Host "Guest user $GuestUserName invited" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
$status = Get-AzureADUser -filter "Mail eq '$GuestUserEmail'" | Select -Expandproperty UserState
Write-Host "Guest user $GuestUserName already invited - Guest account exists in tenant and invite status is $status" -ForegroundColor Red
To list all guest users in the tenant and their invitation acceptance status:
We can enable users to sign in to AppStream 2.0 by using their existing Azure AD credentials, and start streaming applications. To accomplish this, we use an IAM role and a relay state URL to configure Azure AD and enable AWS to permit users to access an AppStream 2.0 stack. The IAM role grants users the permissions to access the stack. The relay state is the stack portal to which users are forwarded after successful authentication by AWS.
In this post, I’ll go over steps on how to configure federated user access for Amazon AppStream 2.0 using Azure AD SSO for Enterprise Apps.
The below diagram illustrates the authentication flow between AppStream 2.0 and Azure AD as identity provider (IdP).
Authentication Workflow
From a user’s perspective, this above process happens seamlessly. The user starts at and is automatically redirected to an AppStream 2.0 application portal without being required to enter AWS credentials.
The setup process goes like in this diagram below,
Select Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery (Non-gallery) and click Create
Create your own application
Once the application is added, from the left navigation menu, Click on Single sign-on, and choose SAML
SSO method – SAML
Click Edit in the Basic SAML Configuration
Basic SAML Configuration
Provide the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL), then click Save
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) =
Sign on URL (Optional) = <leave it blank>
Relay State (Optional) = <leave it blank>, We will revisit this later in this post
The entity ID is passed during the SAML exchange
Azure AD requires this value to be unique for each application
When we add more AppStream 2.0 stacks, we can append a number to the string; for example, URN:AMAZON:WEBSERVICES1,URN:AMAZON:WEBSERVICES2
Basic SAML Configuration – Continued
In the SAML Signing Certificate section, click Download next to the Federation Metadata XML and save the .xml file to your computer
Download Federation Metadata XML
Create the SAML identity provider
Now, we need to create the SAML provider in AWS IAM console.
In AWS console, search and open IAM
In the left navigation window, click Identity providers, and the Add provider
AWS IAM – Add provider
On the Configure Provider page, for the Provider Type, select SAML
For Provider name, I’ve named it AzureAD-SSO
Click Choose File to upload the metadata document that previously downloaded from Azure AD, and click Add provider
Configure identity provider
Click on the identity provider we just created
Identity provider added
Copy the value for the Provider ARN
The ARN is in the following format: arn:aws:iam::AccountID:saml-provider/Provider Name
Copy Identity provider ARN
Configure an IAM policy
We need to create a policy with permissions to the AppStream 2.0 stack. This way we can ensure that users have only the permission to stream applications from a specific stack.
In the IAM console, choose Policies, click Create Policy
In Create policy page, choose the JSON tab
Copy and paste the following JSON policy into the JSON window
Modify the resource by entering your AWS Region Code, account ID, and stack name
Unique User Identifier (Name ID) = Key used to identify users in the SAML assertion
I generally stick with user.userprincipalname
Usually user.mail or user.userprincipalname works
Click + Add new claim and add the below claims
By default, Azure AD populates several SAML attributes for all new applications
These attributes are not needed for the federation to AppStream 2.0
We can remove them by choosing the three dots next to each, and choosing Delete
If you decide to leave them as is, it doesn’t do any harm
Name = Role Namespace = Source = Attribute Source Attribute = This is the Role ARN from earlier in this post, followed by a comma and then the Provider ARN
Role attribute
Name = RoleSessionName Namespace = Source = Attribute Source Attribute = We can provide any string value. I’m going with user.mail
RoleSessionName attribute
Name = SAML_SUBJECT Namespace = Source = Attribute Source Attribute = We can provide any string value. I’m going with user.displayname
SAML_SUBJECT attribute
If the user intend to use the AppStream 2.0 client, sessions will default to a 60 minute timeout. This setting will determine the duration.
Name = SessionDuration Namespace = Source = Attribute Source Attribute = Value in seconds between 900 (15 minutes) and 43200 (12 Hours). I’m going with 28800 (8 Hours)
SessionDuration attribute
Assign Azure AD groups in Application
In the left navigation menu, click Users and groups, click + Add user/group
In Add Assignment, click Users and groups
In the Users and groups dialog box, select the Azure AD group to provide access the AppStream 2.0 stack
Click Assign
Assign Group
Also click on the Properties tab in the left navigation menu to check the following,
Enabled for users to sign-in? = Yes
Assignment required? = Yes
Visible to users? = Yes
I also uploaded an icon file for the app to look nicer.😉
Test Application
With a Azure AD security group assigned to the application and the other setting configured, we’re ready to test this with a user account. I’ve already added the user account to the assigned Azure AD group. To test this,
I also created a second fleet and stack, associated the fleet to the stack to demonstrate how we can assign different users to stacks. IMO, the myapps portal is a really cool feature and we can it to present AppStream to our users.
As I mentioned earlier in this post, adding more stack will require adding additional Azure AD applications and assigning AD group(s) to it.
All Stacks
All Fleets
This below is a different user logging into the myapps portal ( with their Azure AD credentials and I’ve assigned the ‘DeveloperUsers-Stack-0323’ stack to them.
User’s myapps portal view
The user gets redirected to the AppStream 2.0 portal
User redirected to AppStream 2.0 app catalog
Issues you may encounter and How to fix it
Error: RoleSessionName is required in AuthnResponse (service: AWSSecurityTokenService; status code: 400; error code: InvalidIdentityToken)
Fix: I encountered this error with the second stack I had created. When is saw this error, my obvious first step is to make sure I didn’t miss the RoleSessionName attribute in the Azure AD app I created. And it was there with the expected value.
I then decided to go back over the AWS IAM role and policy I created and realized that in the I had picked the wrong identity provider and once I picked the correct one, this issue was resolved.
RoleSessionName is required in AuthnResponse (service: AWSSecurityTokenService; status code: 400; error code: InvalidIdentityToken)
Error: Unable to authorize the session. (Error Code: INVALID_AUTH_POLICY);Status Code:401
Fix: This error message occurs when the IAM policy does not permit access to the AppStream 2.0 stack or when the stack name is not entered into the policy. Similar mess up on my part.
I had mistyped the stack’s name while creating/typing in the JSON window during the policy creation step.
Unable to authorize the session. (Error Code: INVALID_AUTH_POLICY);Status Code:401
In my experience, the SAML-tracer for Chrome and Firefox comes in handy to help identify SAML related issues. It has certainly helped me in several instances.
Hope this post helped you to setup Azure AD SSO for your AppStream 2.0 stacks.
In this post, I’ll go over steps on how to update users’ primary email address in bulk.
I had to update the custom domain name address for one of the tenants I manage. When the O365 tenant was setup, I didn’t have my domain name ready for various reasons and the users were setup with @{tenantname} addresses. Once I added the necessary DNS records for O365 and made sure my new domain name is listed as default in the domain tab(Microsoft 365 admin center -> Settings -> Domains) in the list of , I was ready to update the user accounts with the new domain name.
Before proceeding further make sure you are connected to Exchange Online,
Note: csv file has User,Emailaddress as column headers. Enter the users’ email address with new domain in the csv file. It is strongly recommended to leave the address in the users’ proxy addresses and specifying the new address as PrimarySmtpAddress with SMTP.
Note: This below script will change all accounts in the tenant from whatever your enter for the $oldDomain to the $newDomain. So, proceed with caution and comply with your change management process and steps.
Organizational hierarchy is vital to run everyday activities smoothly in any enterprise. With Azure AD, user’s manager information can be updated easily and this information can be used in other features like Teams and apps that require workflow.
In this post, I’ll go over steps on how to update manager information for a specific user, for a list of users based on information from a csv file and to determine users’ manager information