Teams – Reports with PowerShell – Updated

It is important to know about the current state of your Teams rollout and this is one of those which can easily get out of control in a blink of an eye. I wanted to understand and determine the current Teams state in a tenant I manage and I had to create reports to present.

The portal does give a few options to export the data but I decided to take a look at the option the Teams PowerShell module offers. I spent some time on creating a script that will output these five reports,

  • All Teams data with Channel type, Channel count, Channel count with types, Teams member count and owners count
  • Teams users data with role information
  • Channel information for each Teams with Channel types
  • Channel user information with user information and role
  • Permissions on each Teams

This report can also be scheduled to run if you already use a mechanism to store your credentials securely and pass it on to your PS scripts.

I use the ImportExcel PowerShell module for this script,

Install-Module -Name ImportExcel

Before proceeding further, make sure you have the Teams PowerShell module installed. You’ll need to run this script with Teams Administrator role.

$TeamsCred = Get-Credential
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -credential $TeamsCred

$xlsxPath = ".\Teams-Report_$((Get-Date).ToString("MMddyyyy")).xlsx"

Get-Team | Select GroupId,DisplayName,MailNickName,Archived,Visibility,Description | foreach {
        $ID = $_.GroupId
        $TeamName = $_.DisplayName
        $NickName = $_.MailNickName
        $Archived = $_.Archived
        $visibility = $_.Visibility
        $Description = $_.Description
        $ch = Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $ID
        $ChannelCount = $ch.count
        $TeamUser = Get-TeamUser -GroupId $ID
        $TeamMemberCount = $TeamUser.Count
        $TeamOwnerCount = ($TeamUser | ?{$_.role -eq "owner"}).count
        $stdchannelCount = ($ch | ?{$_.MembershipType -eq "Standard"}).count
        $privchannelCount = ($ch | ?{$_.MembershipType -eq "Private"}).count

                  'Teams Name'=$TeamName;
                  'Teams MailNickName'=$NickName;
                  'Teams Type'=$Visibility;
                  'Channel Count'=$ChannelCount;
                  'Standard Channel Count'=$stdchannelCount;
                  'Private Channel Count'=$privchannelCount;
                  'Team Members Count'=$TeamMemberCount;
                  'Team Owners Count'=$TeamOwnerCount} | Export-Excel -Path $xlsxPath -WorksheetName "All Teams Report" -TableStyle Medium16 -AutoSize -Append

Get-Team | foreach {
    $ID = $_.GroupId;
    $TeamName = $_.DisplayName;
    $NickName = $_.MailNickName;
    Get-TeamUser -GroupId $ID | Select User,Name,Role |
    Foreach {
			'Teams ID' = $ID;
			'Teams Name' = $TeamName;
			'Teams MailNickName' = $NickName;
                        'User UPN' = $_.User;
			'User DisplayName' = $_.Name;
			'Role' = $_.Role
} | Export-Excel -Path $xlsxPath -WorksheetName "Teams_users" -TableStyle Medium16 -AutoSize

Get-Team | Foreach {
    $ID = $_.GroupId;
    $TeamName = $_.DisplayName;
    $NickName = $_.MailNickName;
    Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $ID | Select Id, DisplayName, MembershipType |
    Foreach {
			'Teams ID' = $ID;
			'Teams Name' = $TeamName;
			'Teams MailNickName' = $NickName;
			'Channel Name' = $_.DisplayName;
			'Channel Type' = $_.MembershipType
} | Export-Excel -Path $xlsxPath -WorksheetName "Channels" -TableStyle Medium16  -AutoSize

Get-Team | Foreach {
    $ID = $_.GroupId;
    $TeamName = $_.DisplayName;
    $NickName = $_.MailNickName;
    Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $ID | Select DisplayName | 
            Foreach {
            $chName = $_.DisplayName;
                Get-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $ID -DisplayName $chName | Select User,Name,Role |
                    Foreach {
			                'Teams Name' = $TeamName;
			                'Channel Name' = $chName;
                                        'User UPN' = $_.User;
                                        'User DisplayName' = $_.Name;
                                        'User Role' = $_.Role
} | Export-Excel -Path $xlsxPath -WorksheetName "Channel_Users" -TableStyle Medium16  -AutoSize

Get-Team | foreach {
   $nickName = $_.MailNickName
   Get-Team -MailNickName $nickName | Select -Property * |
	Foreach {
			'Teams ID' = $_.GroupId;
			'Teams Display Name' = $_.DisplayName;
                        'Teams MailNickName' = $nickName;
                        'Giphy Allowed?' = $_.AllowGiphy;
                        'Giphy Content Rating' = $_.GiphyContentRating;
                        'Allow Stickers And Memes' = $_.AllowStickersAndMemes;
                        'Allow Custom Memes' = $_.AllowCustomMemes;
                        'Allow Guest to Create & Update Channels' = $_.AllowGuestCreateUpdateChannels;
                        'Allow Guest to Delete Channels' = $_.AllowGuestDeleteChannels;
                        'Allow Members to Create & Update Channels' = $_.AllowCreateUpdateChannels;
                        'Allow Members to Create Private Channels' = $_.AllowCreatePrivateChannels;
                        'Allow Members to Delete Channels' = $_.AllowDeleteChannels;
                        'Allow Members to Add & Remove Apps'= $_.AllowAddRemoveApps;
                        'Allow Members to Create Update Remove tabs' = $_.AllowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs;
                        'Allow Members to Create Update Remove Connectors' = $_.AllowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors;
                        'Allow Members to Edit Messages' = $_.AllowUserEditMessages;
                        'Allow Members to Delete Messages' = $_.AllowUserDeleteMessages;
                        'Allow Owner to Delete Messages' = $_.AllowOwnerDeleteMessages;
                        'Allow Team Mentions' = $_.AllowTeamMentions;
                        'Allow Channel Mentions' = $_.AllowChannelMentions;
                        'Show In Teams Search & Suggestions' = $_.ShowInTeamsSearchAndSuggestions
} | Export-Excel -Path $xlsxPath -WorksheetName "Teams_permissions" -TableStyle Medium16 -AutoSize

Hope this script was helpful in determining the current state of your Teams deployment.

Thank you for stopping by. ✌

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