Azure AD – Create Dynamic Groups

In Azure AD you can create dynamic groups based on user or device properties. Users or devices can be automatically added or removed based on the group’s definition, so you don’t have to maintain the list of users in this group manually.

Whenever any property of a user or device changes, all dynamic group rules in your Azure AD tenant are reevaluated to determine if the user or device should still remain in the group. If a user or device satisfies a rule on a group, they are added as a member and If they no longer satisfy the rule, they are removed.

Manually adding or removing users from dynamic groups is not allowed.

Why use Dynamic Groups?

Simply put, dynamic groups have query-based memberships. This helps in maintaining group membership and application access depending on the query defined. For example, A dynamic group can be defined for all Marketing department users based on the value filled in the ‘department’ attribute. The conditions can also be combined. Following the same example above, a dynamic group of all Marketing department users from New York or a dynamic group with a list of users who report to a specific manager and need access to an application.

In a scenario where you are maintaining user access to applications based on the department, location, this comes in handy.

Note: You need Azure AD P1 and above to be able to create dynamic groups.

Dynamic Groups in Azure AD

Azure AD admin center provides a rule builder to create and/or update the dynamic group rules.

In the below steps I’ll create a dynamic group in my tenant with users who are in the Marketing department,

  1. Sign in to the Azure AD admin center portal ( as global administrator
  2. Select Azure Active Directory –> Click on the Groups tab –> New group
  3. In New Group:
    • Select Security as the group type
    • Enter ‘Marketing Department Users’ as the name and description for the group
    • Change Membership type to Dynamic User
  4. Select Owners and in the Add Owners blade search for any desired owners. Click on the desired owners to add to the selection
  5. Click Select to close the Add Owners blade
  6. Click Add dynamic query in the Dynamic user members
Creating new group
  1. On the Dynamic membership rules blade:
    • In the Property field, click on the existing value and select department
    • The Operator field as Equals
    • Select the Value field and type ‘Marketing Department Users’
membership rules

Azure AD now provides an option to validate dynamic group rules. On the Validate rules tab, you can validate your dynamic rule against sample group members to confirm the rule is working as expected. This feature is now in public preview.

validate rules

The rule builder supports the construction of up to 5 expressions. You also need to use the text editor for setting operator precedence, and for writing more complex rules. The rule builder can’t be used to reproduce every rule.

‘Add Expression’ disabled after 5 expressions defined

If the rule builder doesn’t support the rule you want to create, the text box can be used. And below are some of the scenarios to use the text box,

  • Rule with more than 5 expressions
  • Direct reports rule
    • For the rule to work, make sure the Manager property is set correctly for users. If you are syncing from your on-premise AD, make sure the Manager attribute is filled
    • When the manager’s direct reports change in the future, the group’s membership is adjusted automatically
    • This rule can’t be combined with any other membership rules
  • Setting operator precedence
    • All operators are listed below in order of precedence from highest to lowest. Operators on same line are of equal precedence:
      1. -eq -ne -startsWith -notStartsWith -contains -notContains -match –notMatch -in -notIn
      2. -not
      3. -and
      4. -or
      5. -any -all
  • Rules with complex expressions
    • Property consists of a collection of values; specifically, multi-valued properties
      • assignedPlans
      • proxyAddresses
    • Expressions use the -any and -all operators
      • -any (At least one item in the collection matches the condition)
      • -all (All items in the collection match the condition)
    • Value of the expression can itself be one or more expressions

Constructing a membership rule

Three parts of a simple rule are Property, Operator and Value

Supported properties

Three types of properties that can be used to construct a rule are Boolean, String and String collection.

The following are the user properties that can be used to create a single expression.


PropertiesAllowed valuesUsage
accountEnabledtrue falseuser.accountEnabled -eq true
dirSyncEnabledtrue falseuser.dirSyncEnabled -eq true


PropertiesAllowed valuesUsage
cityAny string value or null( -eq “value”)
countryAny string value or null( -eq “value”)
companyNameAny string value or null(user.companyName -eq “value”)
departmentAny string value or null(user.department -eq “value”)
displayNameAny string value(user.displayName -eq “value”)
employeeIdAny string value(user.employeeId -eq “value”)
(user.employeeId -ne null)
facsimileTelephoneNumberAny string value or null(user.facsimileTelephoneNumber -eq “value”)
givenNameAny string value or null(user.givenName -eq “value”)
jobTitleAny string value or null(user.jobTitle -eq “value”)
mailAny string value or null (SMTP address of the user)(user.mail -eq “value”)
mailNickNameAny string value (mail alias of the user)(user.mailNickName -eq “value”)
mobileAny string value or null( -eq “value”)
objectIdGUID of the user object(user.objectId -eq “11111111-eeee-1111-aaaa-111111111111”)
onPremisesSecurityIdentifierOn-premises security identifier (SID) for users
who were synchronized from on-premises to the cloud.
(user.onPremisesSecurityIdentifier -eq “S-1-1-11-1111111111-1111111111-1111111111-1111111”)
passwordPoliciesNone DisableStrongPassword DisablePasswordExpiration DisablePasswordExpiration, DisableStrongPassword(user.passwordPolicies -eq “DisableStrongPassword”)
physicalDeliveryOfficeNameAny string value or null(user.physicalDeliveryOfficeName -eq “value”)
postalCodeAny string value or null(user.postalCode -eq “value”)
preferredLanguageISO 639-1 code(user.preferredLanguage -eq “en-US”)
sipProxyAddressAny string value or null(user.sipProxyAddress -eq “value”)
stateAny string value or null(user.state -eq “value”)
streetAddressAny string value or null(user.streetAddress -eq “value”)
surnameAny string value or null(user.surname -eq “value”)
telephoneNumberAny string value or null(user.telephoneNumber -eq “value”)
usageLocationTwo lettered country/region code(user.usageLocation -eq “US”)
userPrincipalNameAny string value(user.userPrincipalName -eq “alias@domain”)
userTypemember guest null(user.userType -eq “Member”)

String Collection

PropertiesAllowed valuesUsage
otherMailsAny string value(user.otherMails -contains “alias@domain”)
proxyAddressesSMTP: alias@domain smtp: alias@domain(user.proxyAddresses -contains “SMTP: alias@domain”)

Supported expression operators

Operators can be used with or without the hyphen (-) prefix. Contains operator does partial string matches but not item in a collection matches. Following are the supported operators and their syntax for a single expression,

-neNot Equals
-notStartsWithNot Starts With
-startsWithStarts With
-notContainsNot Contains
-notMatchNot Match
-notInNot In

Supported values

Values used in an expression can consist of several types, including:

  • Strings
  • Boolean = true or false
  • Numbers
  • Arrays = number array, string array

To specify a null value in a rule, you can use the null value. The -not operator can’t be used as a comparative operator for null.

Common rules in a typical environment

Below, I will go over some of the rules that are typically used in production environments

“Direct reports” rule

This rule supports only the manager’s direct reports. A group consisting of manager’s direct reports and their reports can’t be created.

Use below syntax. Object ID can be found in the user’s(in this case, the user who is the manager) profile in Azure AD.

Direct Reports for "{objectID_of_manager}"
Direct reports rule

“All users” rule

Include only members of your organization and exclude guest users.

(user.objectId -ne null) -and (user.userType -eq "Member")
all users

Device Rules

A rule to select devices objects can also be created for membership in a group. Both users and devices as group members is not allowed.

Below are the device attributes,

Device attributeValuesExample(s)
accountEnabledtrue false(device.accountEnabled -eq true)
displayNameany string value(device.displayName -eq “Bob iPhone”)
(device.deviceOSType -eq “iPad”) -or (device.deviceOSType -eq “iPhone”)
(device.deviceOSType -contains “AndroidEnterprise”)
(device.deviceOSType -eq “AndroidForWork”)
(device.deviceOSType -eq “Windows”)
deviceOSVersionany string value(device.deviceOSVersion -eq “9.1”)
(device.deviceOSVersion -startsWith “10.0.1”)
deviceCategorya valid device category name(device.deviceCategory -eq “BYOD”)
deviceManufacturerany string value(device.deviceManufacturer -eq “Samsung”)
deviceModelany string value(device.deviceModel -eq “iPad Air”)
deviceOwnershipPersonal, Company, Unknown(device.deviceOwnership -eq “Company”)
enrollmentProfileNameApple Device Enrollment Profile name, Android Enterprise Corporate-owned dedicated device Enrollment Profile name, or Windows Autopilot profile name(device.enrollmentProfileName -eq “DEP iPhones”)
isRootedtrue false(device.isRooted -eq true)
managementTypeMDM (for mobile devices)(device.managementType -eq “MDM”)
deviceIda valid Azure AD device ID(device.deviceId -eq “d4fe7726-5966-431c-b3b8-cddc8fdb717d”)
objectIda valid Azure AD object ID(device.objectId -eq “76ad43c9-32c5-45e8-a272-7b58b58f596d”)
devicePhysicalIdsany string value used by Autopilot, such as all Autopilot devices, OrderID, or PurchaseOrderID(device.devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains “[ZTDId]”) (device.devicePhysicalIds -any _ -eq “[OrderID]:179887111881”) (device.devicePhysicalIds -any _ -eq “[PurchaseOrderId]:76222342342”)
systemLabelsany string matching the Intune device property for tagging Modern Workplace devices(device.systemLabels -contains “M365Managed”)

Update an existing rule

  1. Sign in to the Azure AD admin center portal ( as global administrator
  2. Select Azure Active Directory –> Click on the Groups tab –> All groups
  3. Select a group to open it
  4. On the profile page for the group, select Dynamic membership rules
update an existing rule
  1. After updating the rule, select Save

Dynamic Groups with PowerShell

To create dynamic groups

Use the New-AzureADMSGroup cmdlet,

New-AzureADMSGroup -DisplayName "Sales Department Users" -Description "Sales Department Users" -MailEnabled $false -MailNickname "SalesDepartmentUsers" -SecurityEnabled $true -GroupTypes "DynamicMembership" -MembershipRule "(User.department -eq ""Sales"")" -MembershipRuleProcessingState "On"
PowerShell: New-AzureADMSGroup

To update dynamic groups

Use the Set-AzureADMSGroup cmdlet,

Set-AzureADMSGroup -Id '23c2768b-6cef-4006-a052-d9b288b4d17c' -MembershipRule "(User.department -eq ""Sales"") and ( -eq ""Tulsa"")"
PowerShell: Set-AzureADMSGroup

Another interesting part I came across when I was exploring dynamic groups is, I was trying to create a dynamic group of administrators to whom I can assign an Azure AD role. And it turns out, the membership type for role-assignable groups must be Assigned and can’t be an dynamic group. This makes sense as automated population of groups could lead to unwanted access being granted.

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